Ramp Rangers – BHPS survey on cattlegrids and hedgehogs

More than 40 years ago, BHPS launched a campaign to place ramps inside cattlegrids to prevent hedgehogs and other wildlife from becoming trapped by their depths and steep sides. We’re currently gathering data to measure the impact of this original campaign – and see if the cattlegrids are still problematic for hedgehogs.
We’re collecting and collating this data to inform our work on hedgehog conservation – but we need your input!
How can you help?
We’re asking you to look out for cattlegrids when you’re out and about – and to make a note of the following:
- Where is the cattlegrid? (note the grid reference or use what3words)
- Is it on private or public land?
- Does it have a ramp for wildlife to escape? If so, please describe the ramp.
- Take a photo if you can!
- Are there any hedgehogs (alive or sadly dead) trapped inside?
If a live hedgehog is trapped, please rescue it if it is safe to do so & call us on 01584 890801 or click here for first aid advice.
Please send your findings to nicky@britishhedgehogs.org.uk with ‘Ramp Ranger’ as the subject.
Why do we need this information?
BHPS began because of this risk to hedgehogs. Major Adrian Coles found a hedgehog in a cattlegrid on his land in 1982, he rescued it using a saucepan – but realised that if there hadn’t been a Major on hand with kitchenalia, the hedgehog would not have survived!
He used his position as a County Councillor at the time to get Shropshire Council to install escape ramps in all its grids. The resulting publicity was so vast that he realised there was a great appetite to help the humble hedgehog in the UK; and so, the Society was founded.
We want to collect current data on this to see how the rural landscape has changed in the past 41 years and if this issue is impacting hedgehog populations.
Find out more about the importance of ramps here.