Always offer water for wildlife!

It’s vital that wildlife has access to clean water all year round – and it can be even harder for creatures like hedgehogs to find a drink during the summer months when it’s warmer and drier.

That’s why we want you to think about offering water for wildlife! This could be putting out special shallow dishes of water for garden visitors, or wildlife ponds with shallow pebble beaches and grippy ramps so all creatures can have a drink.

We want you to design the perfect wildlife pond or a ‘hedgehog café’ where hedgehogs, birds and insects can all safely have a drink of fresh, clean water!  

It could be drawn, painted, made of collage, designed on a computer, or something else – but try to include some of these features:

  • Fresh, clean water
  • A wildlife ramp, with ridges or a rough surface so little feet can grip
  • Small steps to help wildlife get in or out of water
  • A sloping edge to create a shallow end
  • Rocks & bricks at the edges so it’s easy to reach the water without falling in
  • Pebbles for small insects to land on
  • Water plants to help keep the water clean & attract insects
  • Long grass, logs & wild flowers around the edges

If you find a hedgehog in need of help, please visit for vital first aid advice then call your local independent hedgehog rescue as soon as possible or if you don’t know of one, call BHPS on 01584 890 801.

Send us your designs by 22 July 2024 and we’ll share our favourites!

You can email a scan of your design to or post it to us at: Hedgehog House, Dhustone, Ludlow, Shropshire SY8 3PL 

Entrants must be aged between 0-17 years.

A hedgehog-themed prize will be awarded to the winner, announced at the end of July

Good luck!