Call to action: please help us gain support for hedgehogs in Parliament!
The BHPS petition, asking the Government to move hedgehogs from Schedule 6 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to Schedule 5, was debated in Parliament on 5th July 2021. Details can be found HERE.
We were delighted that all 11 MPs that took part in the debate spoke passionately about helping hedgehogs and supported our petition request which would increase legal protection for hedgehogs.
The Minister present for the purpose of the debate, spoke about Government’s Green Paper that is due in autumn. It will follow a review of species legislation, with the intention of enhancing and modernising it.
We have been in touch with all those MPs and with the DEFRA Minister to see how we move this forward together and we will continue to apply pressure for greater legal protection to help the dwindling hedgehog population in the UK.
We thank every single person who signed the petition and helped us raise this issue in Parliament. Watch this space…!

Following successfully gathering over 100,000 signatures on our petition asking for greater legal protection for hedgehogs, we have a parliament debate date set for 5th July 2021 and we have a favour to ask our supporters!
We would love you to send an email to your MP before 5th July asking them to attend the debate and support the petition. We have suggested some wording for the letter HERE and it can of course be personalised should you wish. Please make sure you supply your full name, address and contact number as some MP’s won’t respond if they are not included.
Your MP’s email address can be found HERE – just insert your postcode and click search for their contact details.
The debate is scheduled for Monday 5th July from 4.30pm to 6pm and will be broadcast online, you can watch it HERE
The original petition can be viewed HERE